Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Official Rating - Desperados

The official rating for Desperados is....

7.44 / 10 possible points

The Desperados Tacos

Anonymous Comments:

"The Desperados Tacos were delicious. I would recommend them. The beef was a little greasy, so if you're wanting to be healthier order the chicken. P.S. This was definitely the fanciest place we have been."

"Deduction on atmosphere because it is not a stand in the middle of a parking lot. Meal was yummy to my tummy. Loved the crunch."

"Eh, it was ok."

"Great fun! So, so taco."

"The brisket tacos left a lot to be desired."

"Though I have no point of reference, these tacos were yummy. Greasy but yummy. It was an honor just being nominated for a Tuesday invite." - From our guest judge :)

Blog on next week for our final stop on the 2009 Taco Tuesday Tour, Urban Taco!

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